Friday, September 2, 2011

A Picture With No Name? A Name With No Picture?

I wanted to give a bit of an update as to where we are in the adoption process. In short - WAITING! We have our Pre-Approval (PA). We have sent our completed dossier to China (DTC). We've paid most all of our agency fees (big chunk #1 of the costs, two more big chunks to go.)

So now, we just wait to receive our "lock in date", which is the official date they have done a basic review and put you in official line to wait some more (LID). Then we wait for our confirmation they have approved our dossier and the kids are "really officially" approved (LSC).  This process is somewhere between 3-6 months...yuck!  After that it is some more paperwork, money, approvals, travel etc.

In the mean time we have 3-6 months to prepare, focus our hearts, focus our parenting, fundraising, praying for our children, and waiting.



In the mean time, I thought I'd put a little "sneak peak" of our children up.  There is this rule however, that we can not post both their names (English and Chinese) along with their pictures, or vice-versa.  The big question then is should I post their names or their pictures... of course their pictures!

Psalm 130:5  I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word, I hope.

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